;Cal. New Millennium Calendar ;The New Millennium Calendar year has 365 days & 12 months- but each month is of 30 days even (35 in April). ;Each month features an even five weeks, the new week length now six days not seven:- Tues - Sunday (Mondays ceased) ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days.gif COMMENT=Updated April 5, 2009 \neach regular month has five 6-day weeks 01.1. =Sunday January 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=1st month, 30d 31.1. =Sunday February 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=2nd month, 30d 28.2.+2Dy =Sunday March 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=3th month, 30d 28.2.+32Dy =Sunday April 1 (New Millennium Calendarà ;Note=4th month, 35/36d 05.5.%2000,4 =Leap Day, Saturday April 36 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=Leap day 06.5. =Sunday May 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=5th month, 30d 05.6. =Sunday June 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=6th month, 30d 05.7. =Sunday July 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=7th month, 30d 04.8. =Sunday August 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=8th month, 30d 03.9. =Sunday September 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=9th month, 30d 03.10. =Sunday October 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=10th month, 30d 02.11. =Sunday November 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=11th month, 30d 02.12. =Sunday December 1 (New Millennium Calendar) ;Note=12th month, 30d ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://website.lineone.net/~spmx/index-page2.html